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Прошле школске године (2017/2018) су ученици трећег разреда гимназије на часу енглеског језика читали текст The Commonwealth of Nations и добили задатак да напишу понешто о мање познатој чланици Комонвелта по избору. Ово су неки од успешнијих радова:
Tuvalu (Emilija Kostić)
Tuvalu is a tiny
nation that can be found in the Southwest Pacific Ocean. It is an independent
constitutional monarchy that is composed of nine coral atolls, about midway
between Hawaii and Australia. Tuvalu is the smallest member of Commonwealth,
with about 10.000 people. The capital city of Tuvalu is Funafuti, and currency
is Dollar. National anthem is ''Tuvalu mo te atua''. The flag has the light
blue background and on it nine yellow stars representing the atolls and islands
of the country. The government is a fifteen-member parliament headed by a
prime minister, Enele Sopoaga. There are not political parties. Instead,
prominent families control politics. Every population has its own customs. It
is offensive for Tuvalans to see strangers that are scantily dressed so it is
better to carry a Sulu to wrap around the body. Woman should cover their legs
when they sit down. Tuvaluans are dancers. There are two major types of dances.
First is the traditional Fatele dance and the Gilbe dance. Traditional dancing is
performed on special occasions such as greeting special visitor or celebrating
holidays. When there are special events it is common to find people wearing
flower garlands called Fou. The cuisine of Tuvalu is based on the staple of
coconut and many species of fish. And traditional sport played in Tuvalu is
Kilikiti, which is similar to cricket. Tuvalu is an interesting little country,
and I want to visit all nine islands.
Trinidad and Tobago
(Dejan Ćatić)
Republic of Trinidad
and Tobago is an island country in the Caribbean, north of South America. The
capital city is Port of Spain, but the largest city is Chaguanas. Trinidad and
Tobago had been a Spanish colony for a long time, since the arrival of
Christopher Columbus. Their flag is compiled from red background and black
diagonal line. The currency is Trinidadian dollar and the national anthem is
"Forged from the Love of Liberty". Trinidad and Tobago is a small
country with the population of 1 million people, with 35% Indians and 34%
Africans. The prime minister is Keith Rowley and the president is Paula Mae
Weekes, and it is a republic. In Trinidad and Tobago, most popular sports are
football, basketball and rugby. Popular food are creole soups and peppery
pigeon pea soups. Trinidad and Tobago is mix of Indians and Africans, so most
popular music genres are calypso and soca, which are traditional African and
Indian music genres. I hope I will someday visit Trinidad and Tobago, and then
tell you more about this interesting country.
Jamaica (Isidora
Jamaica is a country
in the Caribbean and it is one of the Commonwealth countries. Its capital is
Kingston. Jamaican flag is green and black with a yellow cross in the middle of
it. They use Jamaican dollars. “Jamaica, the land we love”has been known for
being their national anthem since July 1962. With the population of nearly 3
million people, Jamaica is the fourth most populated country in the Caribbean.
Andrew Holness has
been the prime minister of Jamaica since March 3rd 2016. Jamaica has
a parliamentary democracy system under a constitutional monarchy. Its main
parties are Jamaica Labour party (JLP) and People’s National Party (PNP).
Christianity is the
largest religion practiced in Jamaica.
Jamaican music
industry is very developed: most popular genres with origins from Jamaica are
reggae, ska, mento, rocksteady, dub, etc. Probably the most popular musician
from Jamaica is Bob Marley.
Cricket is the most
popular sport in Jamaica, but internationally, they are extremely successful in
Jamaica is a bilingual
country with English and Patwa as official languages.
Some of the Jamaican
dishes are Ackee and saltfish, Callaloo (Jamaican spinach), Taro (locally known
as dasheen and coco) and some desserts are Asham (a corn-based dessert), Rock
cake (a fruit cake in a shape of a rock), etc. Most popular drinks in Jamaica
are ginger beer and sorrel tea.
Traditional clothes in
Jamaica is a bright-colored dress (for women) and a t-shirt and trousers (for
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